Nursing 5


Last updated: 06/07/2017 © 2017 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 1 of 2




Levels of Achievement

Accomplished Needs Improvement Not Acceptable

Introduction 7 to 7 Points

 Clearly states the purpose of the paper.

 Provides a comprehensive overview of topic or questions.

 Engages the reader.

 Organized and has easy follow.

2 to 6 Points

 Overview is provided, but key points/ideas are missing.

 Purpose statement is not clear.

 Does not engage the reader.

 Somewhat disorganized but still comprehensible

0 to 1 Points

 Does not provide an overview of the paper or is absent.

 No purpose statement.


Key Requirement 1

7 to 7 Points

 Describe the key components of a comprehensive cultural assessment

 Evidence of critical thinking

3 to 6 Points

 One or two elements missing or are not fully described

 Lacking some evidence of critical thinking.

0 to 2 Points

 Missing half of the elements

 Not enough depth to

demonstrate understanding of the components of a

comprehensive cultural


Key Requirement


7 to 7 Points

 Chooses two components of the cultural assessment, reflect on one’s own culture

in terms of those components

 Discusses how one’s own culture potentially affects how one provides

nursing care

3 to 6 Points

 Chooses one component or is missing at least one area

discussed in the instructions

 Lacks critical thinking and depth.

0 to 2 Points

 Writer does not fully discuss two components or consider

his or her own culture

 Does not discuss how culture could affect care.

Key Requirement


6 to 6 Points

 Creates two nursing diagnoses that reflect cultural diversity

 Gives rationale for each diagnosis and describes how you would intervene and

evaluate for success of your plan of


3 to 5 Points

 Created two nursing diagnoses but did not give rational or

intervention/evaluation of


0 to 2 Points

 Only one nursing diagnosis, or did not fully answer the

assignment questions.

Conclusion 7 to 7 Points

 Summarizes paper and reflects on what the reader has learned from the paper.

 Demonstrates persuasive thought and is well organized.

2 to 6 Points

 Merely summarizes the introduction or contains new ideas

not present in the paper contents.

 Somewhat disorganized but still comprehensible

0 to 1 Points

 Simply restates the introduction or is absent.

 Disorganized to the point of distraction.




Last updated: 06/07/2017 © 2017 School of Nursing – Ohio University Page 2 of 2



Levels of Achievement

Accomplished Needs Improvement Not Acceptable

Stylistics 6 to 6 Points

 APA Citations are appropriate.

 Formatted correctly.

 Reference page is complete and correctly formatted.

 At least 4 references provided: Two (2) references from required course

materials and two (2) peer-reviewed

references. *References not older than five years.

 More than 600 words excluding title and reference pages.

3 to 5 Points

 APA Citations are appropriate and formatted correctly.

 Reference page is formatted correctly.

 References are not professional or is not formatted correctly.

 Missing 1 professional reference.

 At least 600 words or more excluding title and reference pages.

0 to 2 Points

 No citations are used or citations are made but not

formatted correctly

 Reference page is missing.

 Less than 600 words excluding title and reference pages.

Peer-reviewed references include professional journals (i.e. Nursing Education Perspectives, Journal of Professional Nursing, etc. –), professional organizations (NLN, CDC, AACN, ADA, etc.) applicable to population and practice area, along with clinical practice guidelines (CPGs – National Guideline Clearinghouse). References not acceptable (not inclusive) are UpToDate, Epocrates, Medscape, WebMD, hospital organizations, insurance recommendations, & secondary clinical databases. *All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information) Note: You will have three (3) attempts to submit a written assignment, only the final attempt will be graded. For each attempt you will receive a SafeAssign

originality report. This will give you a chance to correct the assignment based on the SafeAssign score. Click here to view instructions on how to interpret SafeAssign originality report.


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