










Task 1 C228


Amina Sanni

Western Governors University

Erica Blumenstock

October 19, 2021











Needs Assessment

Demographics Assessment:

Sentinel City has a total of 663,862 people living in it. In Sentinel City, children under 5 years old are 7.4% of the city population, 21.7% are under the age of 18, and 10.5% of the population are over 65 years of age. Race percentages of Sentinel City consists mostly of Whites at 80.6%, Black or African American accounts for 10.4%, Hispanic at 31.5% of the population, American Indians and Alaska Natives take up just 2%, while Native Hawaiian takes up 0.2% of the population. Median household income of the community is 49,091 of which 18.9% residents in the city are living below poverty level (Sentinel U, 2020).

Sentinel City has four neighborhoods namely: Nightingale Square, Acer Tech Center, Casper Park District, and Industrial Heights. Casper Park District has the most population of 352,643 people with median household income of $80,134, and 22.7% of uninsured people (Sentinel U, 2020). Acer Tech Center has the second most population of 168,390 of which 1.5% are uninsured people, and a median household income of $166,300. Nightingale Square has the third most population of 103,974 people with the highest median household income of $269,550 while it also has the lowest percentage of 0.7% of non-insured people. Lastly, the lowest neighborhood with the lowest population of 38,855 people is Industrial Heights with a median household income of $24,672, and mostly high with 37.5% of non-insured people.


Neighborhood Safety Assessment

The most safety hazards occurred at Industrial Heights, I saw stray dogs running around the neighborhood. Waste is observed exploding out of a drainpipe, and trash is seen burning in barrels which pollutes the air. Rats are seen on the sidewalks running around the huge piles of trash. There are lots of construction going on, and loud siren blasting through the neighborhood. Graffiti is present on some buildings in the other neighborhood, and prisoners are noted working besides the road with some policemen watching them.

Per data analysis regarding drug use in the city, 12% used marijuana, 7% used heroin, 5% used cocaine, 0.5% used methamphetamines which all accounts for only 6% of the crime rates in the community (Sentinel U,2020).

The EMS response time is 7.46 minutes which is the second fastest time in compares with other cities. The most common crimes occurring in the community are murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults. Crime rate of the community is 3,605.3 per 100,000 with violent crime rate being 311.1 per 100,000 (Sentinel U,2020). There is an increased in gang violence in Sentinel City as of last year with 20 homicides reported, 100 aggravated assaults, 28 simple assaults, and 40 robberies.


Scavenger Hunt

Parks and Recreation can be found in Nightingale Square neighborhood. It provides many services to its community like adult fitness courses, after-school programs, kid’s summer programs, swimming lessons, nutritional courses, and sport leagues. According to data, the citizens most complaint is the location of the park. The Healthcare System-Elderly Services offers the elderly with services like medical care advocates, community centers, meals on wheels, senior transportation, elderly abuse prevention advocates are the least use of all the services. City Hall-Social Services provides head start and early heard start, youth independence living services, stay at home program and childcare providers accepting subsidy benefits to its community. City Hall also provides SNAP and WIC programs for pregnant moms and low-income earners. Better Health Clinic also offers STI screening, parenting classes, alcoholics anonymous (AA), English language learners and basic computer skills. Industrial Heights residents attends the basic computer class the most in the community. The Soup Kitchen also provides meals to the public of which 64% of the people are homeless adults. The Affordable Housing Project aids with affordable housing for low-income people.

Windshield Survey

The housing in the community has same similarity structures and some are old in age. There are some new condos in one of the four neighborhoods with high rises buildings. Some of the house has air condition seen throughout the window and emergency exits. Some neighborhoods have space in the front and backyard like houses in Nightingale Square while some other parts of the community have no open space but has lots of graffiti painted walls. The houses are connected to each other, and most of the houses are developed of bricks. There are trees noted around the city, but lack of outdoor green areas or parks was noted. There were billboards and posters to let people know which neighborhood they are visiting. There are some small businesses around like the coffee shop, bookstore, fine art gallery, grocery stores, and restaurants. People were seen playing in the park, walking, and riding their bicycles in the neighborhood. People were seen hanging out on streets, and at the restaurants, and they were of different ethnicities.

Most common people seen on the street are Caucasian. Some people are seen walking their dogs, people sitting on benches, some people are seen on their wheelchair, there are people playing in the park, some are going to school. The common areas are open to everybody, like the parks, the soup kitchen. People get in and out of the city through bus, personal car, their bike, and some people are seen walking. There are some bridges noted in parts of the city. It takes the bus fifty-nine minutes and its not close to the senior citizens and there is a gas station seen in the city. Service Centers were observed in the city like the grocery stores, restaurants, and fruit stand. Dental offices, elderly health center and health care centers were seen in the community. There is a senior center for the elderly and a park for resident of Nightingale Square community. Walking in Sentinel City, I saw people walking their pets, some homeless people, stray dogs, lots of birds, and some rats. The city is certainly alive with some activities seen taking place, but there are also some abandoned building, broken cars, broken shops, and political posters noted. There are some billboards promoting safety signs: do not text and drive sign, flu season awareness was noted for vaccination.

Sentinel City is a multicultural community and offers English classes for those in need. There are signs in language other than English noted as well in the city. There is different religion practice noted in the city when I interacted with some of the residents of the community. Interfaith church is also used as a soup kitchen to provide meals to residents in need. There is a protest going on in front of the City Hall for tax revolt and there were policemen monitoring the protest with the mayor there himself. The main media for communication in the city is through the radio, which is the primary source for community announcement, news, and music. I did not notice any cell phone towers in the community.

B1. Data Analysis: Interpretation of Data

During my visit to Sentinel City, there are four main concerns that I discovered needs to be addressed. Firstly, the rates of STI in the city is high with number of 15 to 24 years of age diagnosed with Gonorrhea is 70%, and Chlamydia is 63%. Citizens over the age of 25 have Syphilis 80%, Trichomoniasis 87%, Hepatitis B 92% and HIV 98%. This date shows there is lack of safer sex or sexual contacts. Healthy People 2020 implied that untreated STIs can lead to serious health concerns for teenage girls and young women including infertility, HIV, mother/fetal health problems. Secondly, during my visit to Sentinel City Affordable housing project, I learned that there is an increase in molds, pest, and factory smoke in the last year. According to my findings, tenant complaint were 21% factory smoke and 18% pests/mold (Sentinel U,2020). Thirdly, the issue of crimes and violence in some parts of the community is a big concern for safety and security of its residents. Per the data collected from the city hall, there was 20 homicides, 100 gang related aggravated assaults, 40 robberies, and 38 simple assaults.

Lastly, teen pregnancy rate is high according to the data given by Better Health Clinic. It shows about 480 girls withing the ages of 15 and 17 gets pregnant yearly. It shows that adolescents end up with abortions, due to more responsibilities like financial problems and having to withdraw from schools. It brings about lack of knowledge, poverty, and health disparities.



C1. Three Problem Areas

The first problem to address is the high rate of sexually transmitted infections in the city. The Healthy People 2020 goal for these sexually transmitted infections is prevention and promoting healthy sexual behaviors. The STIs in the younger females places them at higher risk for infertility and some long-term critical health concerns (Healthy People 2020).

The next problem is the complaint of pests /molds and factory smoke polluting the air. The goal for Healthy People 2020 is to reduce the exposure to pests / mold and reduce factory smoke to help provide residents with a great quality of life and health disparity (Healthy People 2020).

The final problem to address is the rate of injury and violence in the community. According to the date gathered from the city hall, there are increasing number of homicides, aggravated assaults and robberies happening every year. The goal from Healthy People 2020 is to prevent violence to give a safer lifestyle for the citizens (Healthy People 2020).


C2. Discussion of Community Resources

There are many resources available in Sentinel City to help its residents get better informed about their health and community. Community Center, Radio station, and Better Health Clinic can better help its community by promoting and educating their residents about STIs education and preventions. They can broadcast about prevention and how to get help on the radio station. Small classes can be held at the clinic and the community center to teach and pass fliers about sex educations for teens, young adults, and the elderly for free.


C3. Primary Prevention Topic

Sexually transmitted infections are preventable with lots of teachings and screenings. Asking questions about STI at the hospital or clinics can put people in the direct way of knowing about the different types of STI and how it is transmitted. People need to know that many factors are attributed to the spread of STIs. Access to great quality health care is essential for early detection, treatment, and behavior-change counselling for STIs according to Healthy People 2020. Sexually transmitted infections can cause many health issues like reproductive health problems, cancer, fetal and perinatal health problems (Healthy People 2020).


D. Application of Assessment Strategies/Tools between Simulation and My Community

Sentinel City has giving me more knowledge on assessing my community with different tools available to me. The demographics assessment tools will help me in knowing the population of my community and how a disease can affect the population. The neighborhood/safety assessment tools can help me with assessing health risk within my community. By assessing the scavenger hunt assessment, I would be able know the different types of services available to help promote a healthy life. All these tools are beneficial to a community.


Sentinel U. (2020). Sentinel City (Version [Computer software].

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020). Sexually transmitted diseases. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. (2020). Injury and Violence. U.S Department of Health and Human Services.


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