Interview Project

ATH 101 Final Project Part B Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: In this part of the final project, you will address the categories of cultural diversity, anthropological methods, cultural connections, and predictions of how anthropology can be useful in a future crisis. Whether you choose to answer the final project interview questions in written or audio format, preparing a written draft will help you formulate and strengthen your answers. This will also give you practice in learning to see the crisis situation that you chose from an anthropological viewpoint and allow your instructor to give any feedback or suggestions to fortify your interview before your final project is due.

Prompt: Create an outline of your speaking notes for Final Project Part B (Interview Transcript or Recording). You must include all references that you use in forming your answers in the APA citation style. You have already defined and discussed the significance of anthropology, so now you are prepared to jump into the interview and really get at the heart of the crisis situation you have chosen. In this scenario, imagine that a reporter is asking you the questions listed below. In crafting your response, you must address all the aspects of the question represented as “Your Response.” You will answer each piece titled “Your Response” to ensure you are appropriately and accurately answering the question the reporter has posed. You may use the Final Project Part B Milestone Two Template document as a framework for your submission.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed in outline format:

I. Cultural Diversity: In this section, you will explain the importance of understanding and being sensitive to cultural diversity. A. Reporter: What is so important that we understand cultural diversity in a time like this? Who cares if we’re all different? What does it matter

anyway? 1. Your Response: Provide an example of human sociocultural identity related to gender. For example, when many people think of

farmers, they think of males. 2. Your Response: Provide an example of human sociocultural identity related to human behavior. For example, when many people

think of children, they think of specific behaviors that they exhibit, such as crying, playing, or loving. 3. Your Response: Provide an example of human sociocultural identity related to animals. For example, when people think of geese,

they think of a flock. B. Reporter: Human culture might seem more complex than I initially imagined, so how does it relate to the crisis we’ve witnessed here?

1. Your Response: Describe what some anthropologists can do to help when crises such as these occur. How are they able to navigate crises, such as containing them and informing human cultures while balancing sensitivity to cultural beliefs and practices? What is the importance of doing so?

II. Anthropological Methods: In this section, you will speak as though you are an anthropologist investigating the crisis. You will describe the anthropological methods you would need to use to investigate the crisis, and explain how you believe people would react to you investigating the crisis.

A. Reporter: Alright, can you explain to the audience how you came to this conclusion? 1. Your Response: Of the multiple research methods discussed throughout the course, such as excavation, ethnology, and ethnography,

select an appropriate method for investigating this crisis, and explain why this method is appropriate.






















B. Reporter: How did these people let you study them? Why did they let you? You most likely upset them, right? 1. Your Response: What types of reactions might you receive from studying this group of people and gathering data by the ways you

described? Provide specific examples of both positive and negative reactions. 2. Your Response: Explain why an objective lens is important when studying a group of people. How might this lens help calm the fears

of the group of people you are studying?

III. Cultural Connections: In this section, you will make connections between cultural factors and the likelihood of the crisis occurring in your own culture. If the crisis has already occurred in your own culture, explain how the specific cultural, biological, or environmental factors allowed this to occur.

A. Reporter: Do you think this crisis could happen here, to us? 1. Your Response: Explain how specific cultural factors in your culture could or could not allow this crisis to occur, identifying specific

factors. 2. Your Response: Explain the how specific biological factors in your family could or could not allow this crisis to occur, identifying

specific factors. 3. Your Response: Explain how specific environmental factors in your environment could or could not allow this crisis to occur,

identifying specific factors.

IV. Predictions: In this section, you will explain how an anthropological perspective can assist in future crises. A. Reporter: Do you think there is anything that could have informed these people of the crisis? I would hate to think that this could have been

recognized and prevented earlier. 1. Your Response: How can an anthropologist use people’s history to help change the future? Think specifically about the power and

importance of historical events, beliefs, and practices in relation to the present, providing real-world examples of the connection between the past and present.

B. Reporter: Now, I can bet there are people at home that are scared. So, how can you as an anthropologist help in preventing this crisis from happening to us?

1. Your Response: Explain the value of an anthological lens when creating preventive action plans. Specifically, why are an objective lens and cultural sensitivity important when creating preventive action plans?

C. Reporter: Finally, do you still enjoy being an anthropologist throughout this apparent chaos? I mean, how has being an anthropologist helped you out personally?

1. Your Response: How has anthropology helped you better understand the human condition, and how might this help you in your personal and professional life?














































































Guidelines for Submission: You have the option of submitting an interview transcript or interview recording. Your outline should be a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. If you choose to submit an interview recording in place of the interview transcript, it must be 5 to 10 minutes in length and should be submitted using the Audio Feature in Brightspace.

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Cultural Diversity:

Gender Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to gender

Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity, but example is not related to gender

Does not suggest an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to gender


Cultural Diversity: Human Behavior

Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to human behavior

Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity, but example is not related to human behavior

Does not suggest an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to human behavior


Cultural Diversity: Animals

Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to animals

Suggests an example of human sociocultural identity, but example is not related to animals

Does not suggest an example of human sociocultural identity using examples related to animals


Cultural Diversity: Crises

Outlines how anthropologists can navigate crises while balancing sensitivity to cultural beliefs and practices, as well as the importance of doing so

Outlines how anthropologists can navigate crises while balancing sensitivity to cultural beliefs and practices but does not describe the importance

Does not outline how anthropologists can navigate crises while balancing sensitivity to cultural beliefs and practices


Anthropological Methods:

Appropriate Method

Suggests an appropriate method for investigating the crisis, explaining why this method is appropriate

Suggests an appropriate method for investigating the crisis but does not outline why the method is appropriate

Does not suggest an appropriate method for investigating the crisis


Anthropological Methods: Reactions

Outlines the types of reactions that may be received when studying the group of people

Outlines the types of reactions that may be received when studying the group of people, with gaps in accuracy

Does not outline the types of reactions that may be received when studying the group of people


Anthropological Methods: Objective


Outlines why an objective lens is important when studying a group of people and how it may help calm fears of the people studied

Outlines why an objective lens is important when studying a group of people but does not outline how it may help calm fears of the people studied

Does not outline why an objective lens is important when studying a group of people


Cultural Connections: Cultural Factors

Explains how specific cultural factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, identifying specific factors

Outlines how specific cultural factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, but does not outline specific factors

Does not outline how specific cultural factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur


Cultural Connections: Biological Factors

Outlines how specific biological factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, identifying specific factors

Outlines how specific biological factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, but does not identify specific factors, or explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not explain how specific biological factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur

















































Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Cultural Connections:

Environmental Factors

Outlines how specific environmental factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, identifying specific factors

Outlines how specific environmental factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur, but does not identify specific factors, or explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not explain how specific environmental factors could or could not allow the crisis to occur


Predictions: History Outlines how an anthropologist can use people’s history to help change the future, providing real world examples that connect the past to the present

Outlines how an anthropologist can use people’s history to help change the future, but does not provide real-world examples that connect the past to the present, or description has gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not describe how an anthropologist can use people’s history to help change the future


Predictions: Preventive Action

Outlines why an objective lens and cultural sensitivity are important when creating preventive action plans

Outlines why an objective lens and cultural sensitivity are important when creating preventive action plans, with gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not explain why an objective lens and cultural sensitivity are important when creating preventive action plans


Predictions: Personal and Professional Life

Outlines the value of anthropology in understanding the human condition, and how it may help in the personal and professional life

Outlines the value of anthropology in understanding the human condition, but not how it may help in the personal and professional life, or explanation has gaps in detail or accuracy

Does not explain the value of anthropology in understanding the human condition


Articulation of Response

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%


  • ATH 101 Final Project Part B Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric

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