Hypertension Seminar

At health promotion is concern seminar, you are to prepare a seminar with a topic of hypertension. Your guide Content should include 3 objectives, brief content outline, and bibliography, theoretical and research perspectives on the public health problem to be discussed. Write 2-3 pages paper using APA format Including your references.






To explore the theoretical and research support on modifiable risk factors in prevention of stroke.

Determine the epidemiology of Identify at risk population for stroke. To understand the implications on stroke based on legal, ethical, and health policies.

Content Outline

The topic of discussion is health promotion and prevention of stroke. The examination of the theoretical and research support on stroke will include the pathophysiology, the leading causes and the statistics of the populations effected by stroke. Evidence will also be discussed about effective treatments for stroke. The epidemiology of stroke will be identified. The statistics of the groups at risk populations will include the populations identified, and the effective education and treatments. The authors also discussed about the implications on stroke based on legal, ethical, and health policy. It is determined that there is medical decision- making challenges when it comes to dealing with stroke. The specific challenges are identified, and the awareness of these challenges can have a positive impact on caring for patients with strokes.

Theoretical and Research Support

In present era that we are living right now there are certain diseases that evolved in its nature and presentation and how it affects the community and public health. Stroke is a threat to an individual who are at risk and to the public health not only on a national level but globally and yet is stroke really a preventable disease?. The group was able to emphasize on the research conducted in a community and public health aspect on identifying the modifiable risk factors that clinicians can promote and educate in an individual in managing and prevention of stroke. According to findings published July 15, 2016 in the journal The Lancet, it turns out that a large majority of them may be prevented. Nearly 91 percent of all strokes can be avoided by 10 safe lifestyle changes and healthcare improvements, according to the study authors. This finding came from the research of nearly 27,000 participants between 2007 and 2015 from nearly every area of the world. Among the more than 13,000 strokes observed, only 10 risk factors, including hypertension, lack of physical activity, inadequate diet, smoking, alcohol intake, psychosocial factors, and diabetes, triggered about 90.7 percent of them.

Via improved health treatment (blood pressure medications, diabetes management) and lifestyle improvements (improved diet, smoking cessation), both risk factors can be regulated, ensuring that the vast majority of all strokes can also be avoided. Lack of physical activity at 36%, poor diet at 23 percent and obesity at 19 percent were some risk factors that were found to be the cause of most strokes observed. Moreover, the group identified that research findings were consistent across geographical areas, ethnicities, ages, and genders, although the significance of certain risk factors differed by country. A collaborative approach towards treatment decision-making may not be realistic in all patients especially when they may be emotionally distressed and looking to maintain a positive outlook thus, educating the patient’s significant others about this need is important to maximize outcomes. The group emphasized as well on enhanced programs for stroke prevention as better knowledge and greater healthcare access could help avoid some leading causes of stroke, and measures in public health could encourage the lifestyle changes required to minimize the risk of stroke.

Overall, within 2 years of the first stroke, one third of repeated strokes take place. In all age groups, in both sexes, and in both races, strokes occur in all nations. Before birth, when the developing baby is still in the womb (a common cause of cerebral palsy), stroke can also occur.

of stroke than Caucasian’s (Stroke association 2010). According to the National Stroke association (2010), approximately 55,000 more women than men have a stroke each year.

The incidence of stroke makes it a major health problem in the United States and recognizing the population at risk is very important part of nursing practice. The group emphasizes that the following are the commonly reported modifiable risk factors which include hypertension, diet, smoking, and physical inactivity and triggers of stroke among the people at risk included inflammatory disorders, pollution, infection, and younger adolescents with obesity and diabetes. As Practitioners and patient advocates, we need to educate and implement healthy habits for our patients specially the ones at risk. We also need to teach patients about stroke warning signs that can potentially save their lives. F.A.S.T is an easy way to teach patients to recognize a stroke and what to do. F (face drooping, A (Arm weakness) S (Speech difficulty) T (time to call 911). Cost effective prevention strategies are needed for delivery of stroke awareness and prevention. Sedentary behavior, diet and Nutrition, obesity, and Metabolic syndrome. Physical inactivity is associated with many poor health effects, including stroke. People who are physically active have a lower risk of stroke and stroke mortality than those who are inactive.

Diet influences the risk of stroke as well as the risk of other stroke risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. There are several limitations to diet studies including recall bias and measurement error, but some specific components of diet and nutrition are well-established risk factors for stroke. A Mediterranean diet, or a diet high in fruits and vegetables, reduces the risk of stroke. Body weight and obesity are risk factors for stroke, although the specific ways in which they increase stroke risk continue to be debated. Obesity is related to stroke risk factors such as hypertension and diabetes. A recent large meta-analysis, including 1.8 million participants from 97 cohort studies, found that 76% of the effect of body mass index (BMI, a common measure of obesity) on stroke risk was mediated by blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels. Blood pressure alone accounted for 65% of the risk due to weight. The importance of distinguishing between increased abdominal adiposity, as measured by the waist-hip ratio, as the major contributor to risk, rather than overall increased weight, as indicated by the BMI, is increasingly recognized.


In conclusion to this group discussion paper, the team members was able to outline health promotion and prevention of stroke based on theoretical and research, epidemiological considerations, at risk populations, and legal, ethical, and health policy implications. Much of the research and data that was included is very alarming and there is no doubt that strokes are a major problem in the world today and remain one of the leading causes of death and permanent disability. Americans today have more risk factors than ever before especially considering the rise of unhealthy lifestyles and obesity. With early treatment of hypertension and weight loss are some ways healthcare workers can educate their patients on stroke prevention. Ethical and legal problems also become a concern when patients are no longer able to communicate their needs properly due to deficits or aphasia. Informed consent, legal guardians, and advanced directives become issues when the patient in no longer able to advocate for themselves. it is up to healthcare workers to educate the public to try and prevent some of these major issues in the future. being optimistic and with the increase of healthcare providers (nurse practitioners) gives us a chance to pave the way for a brighter future. The upcoming population will then be more educated and be able to prevent a lot of these issues we face today.

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