Healthcare Informatics Discussion

BUSI 508

Discussion Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Points Earned
Thread: Key Components 14 to 16 points

All key components of the Discussion prompt are answered in the thread.

11 to 13 points

Most key components of the Discussion prompt are answered in the thread.

1 to 10 points

Some key components of the Discussion prompt are answered in the thread.

0 points

No key components of the Discussion prompt are answered in the thread.

Thread: Major



30 to 33 points

Major points are supported by all of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principles with citations.

27 to 29 points

Major points are supported by most of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principles with citations.

1 to 26 points

Major points are supported by some of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principles with citations.

0 points

Major points are supported by none of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts);

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format; and

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principles.

Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Points Earned
Thread: Grammar/ Spelling 8 points

Correct spelling and grammar are used throughout the thread. There are 0–2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

7 points

There are 3–5 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

1 to 6 points

There are 610 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

There are more than 10 errors in the grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content


There is evidence of a complete lack of spell-checking and proofreading.

Thread: APA Format 8 points

References are cited both in-text and in a reference list. There are 0–2 minor errors in APA format in the required citations.

7 points

References are cited both in-text and in a reference list. There are 3-5 minor errors in APA format in the required citations.

1 to 6 points

There are more than 5 errors in APA format in the required items and/or required citations are missing.

0 points

Required citations do not exist, or demonstrate no APA formatting or structure.

Thread: Word Count 5 points

The minimum word count of 1000 words of substantive content is met or exceeded.

4 points

Substantive word count is between 800 and 1000 words.

1 to 3 points

Substantive word count is between 500 and 800 words.

0 points

There are fewer than 500 words of substantive content.

Content Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Points Earned
Replies: Key Components 8 points

Contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) expounding on the thread.

5 to 7 points

Marginal contribution made to discussion with each reply (2) marginally expounding on the thread.

1 to 4 points

Minimal contribution (2 minimal or only 1 reply) made to discussion with each reply minimally expounding on the thread.

0 points

No contribution made to discussion.

Replies: Major Point Support 10 to 13 points

Major points are supported by all of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principle with citations.

6 to 9 points

Major points are supported by most of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principles with citation.

1 to 5 points

Major points are supported by some of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principle with citations.

0 points

Major points are supported by none of the following:

· Reading & Study materials;

· Pertinent, conceptual, or personal examples;

· Thoughtful analysis (considering assumptions, analyzing implications, and comparing/contrasting concepts); and

· At least 3 scholarly source citations, in addition to the course textbook, in current APA format.

· Integration of at least 2 biblical principle with citations.

Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Not present Points Earned
Replies: Grammar/ Spelling 3 points

Correct spelling and grammar are used throughout the replies. There are 0–2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

2 points

There are 3–5 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

1 point

There are 610 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

0 points

There are more than 10 errors in the grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content


There is evidence of a complete lack of spell-checking and proofreading.

Replies: APA Format 3 points

References are cited both in-text and in reference lists. There are 0–2 minor errors in APA format in the required citations.

2 points

References are cited both in-text and in reference lists. There are 3-5 minor errors in APA format in the required citations.

1 point

There are more than 5 errors in APA format in the required citations and/or required citations are missing.

0 points

Required citations do not exist, or demonstrate no APA formatting or structure.

Replies: Word Count 3 points

The minimum word count of 450 words of substantive content is met or exceeded in each of two replies.

2 points

Substantive word count is between 300 and 450 words in one or both of two replies.

1 point

Substantive word count is between 200 and 300 words in one or both of two replies.

0 points

There are fewer than 200 words of substantive content in one or both of two replies, including one or both replies not posted.

Total /100

Instructor’s Comments:


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