Global Health Issue – Intervention

Please follow the guidelines below to link paragraphs in the paper with an introduction and a conclusion.


This assignment is part three of the global health issue paper assignment. After students write about their selected issue, they are required to develop a plan or an intervention to address the issue. Students, for this part of the paper, must assume the role of a consultant who with the data and information identified regarding the country of interest & the selected health issue, must then develop a culturally & systematically appropriate intervention to address the issue. Students should utilize the content covered in the course and conduct additional research to develop a sound plan. This paper should be a maximum of 2 pages. Papers should be thorough, complete, and thoughtful to indicate that you have read, examined, and can apply the concepts in the readings.

1)      Description of the plan

a)      Discuss existing interventions

b)      Relation of MDGs to the formulation of interventions

c)      Discuss your intervention and rational for the intervention, why is it appropriate for the country and topic chosen? (Infrastructure issues, availability of healthcare providers and equipment, language considerations, etc.)

d)     Social/Cultural issues – How is this plan culturally appropriate? What issue(s) did you consider? (example: getting input and approval from community elders before proceeding)

e)    Note: The intervention can be one already implemented in the country and proven to be effective. 

2)      Implementation of the plan

a)     How will the proposed intervention be implemented/structured?

b)     Estimated timeline, which health care professional will be utilized to provide services?

c)      Possible funding sources

d)      Which stakeholders will be involved (would you involve international agencies, if so which ones?)?


3)      Evaluation of the plan

a)     How would you structure your evaluation of the intervention, who will conduct the evaluation?

b)      Possible evaluation methods – surveys, group discussions/focus groups, etc.

c)      Dissemination of the evaluation results – how would you share your results?






This is part of the assignment but it should be done separately.


After completion of the three parts of the paper, students should merge and submit the full paper. In addition, students will then summarize their papers into presentation formats. These presentations will be posted for everyone to view and respond. The purpose of this assignment is for the student to present a summary of their paper and share with the class their knowledge and expertise on the topic and country selected.

Presentation formats include power points or handouts with/without audio/video aids. Power point presentation should be a maximum of 12 slides.

Assignment 2 Outline

1)      Country and Systems

Briefly describe the country selected and list some of the health indicators within the country. Provide an overview of the country’s health system, health policies, health funding, infrastructure, health workforce, etc.

2)      Issue and Culture

Briefly describe the health issue selected, including the significance/prevalence of the health issue, influence of culture and social determinants of health on the issue; and the impact of the issue on the global disease burden.

3)      Intervention and Evaluation

Briefly describe the chosen intervention, the intervention implementation, evaluation and result dissemination plan.

Due Date  
Jul 31, 2016 11:59 PM Rubrics


Rubric Name: Assignment #2: Presentation of Global Health Issue Paper


Criteria Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Country and Systems 20 points

(16-20 points)

Clear explanation of the country and why the issue is important, relation to MDG’s and explanation of the healthcare systems

15 points

(11-15 points)

Describes country, some information regarding relation to MDG’s, mentions the healthcare systems

10 points

(6-10 points)

Incomplete description of the country, little information regarding relation to MDG’s, and/or the healthcare system

5 points

(0-5 points)

Little to no description of the country, information regarding relation to the MDG’s and/ or the healthcare system

Issue and Culture 20 points

(16-20 points)

Clearly explains issue and prevalence, describes cultural considerations and impact on global health

15 points

(11-15 points)

Explains the issue and prevalence, however lacks some clarity, mentions cultural consideration and impact on global health

10 points

(6-10 points)

Lacking information regarding the issue and prevalence, little information regarding cultural consideration and /or impact on global health

5 points

(0-5 points)

Little to no information on the issue and prevalence, cultural considerations and/or impact on global health

Intervention and Evlauation 20 points

(16-20 points)

Delineates timeline, funding sources, stakeholder, evaluation methods and dissemination of results

15 points

(11-15 points)

States brief timeline, mentions some funding sources, missing some information on evaluation methods or dissemination of results

10 points

(6-10 points)

Few time points in timeline, little information regarding funding sources, evaluation methods and/or dissemination of results

5 points

(0-5 points)

No timeline presented, little to no information regarding funding sources, evaluation methods and dissemination of results

Organization 10 points

(9-10 points)

Presentation is well organized, uses headings and bulleted lists when needed

8 points

(6-8 points)

Presentation is organized, mostly well organized

5 points

(3-5 points)

Presentation not well organized, some information appears out of sequence

2 points

(0-2 points)

Presentation is disorganized, unable to follow logical flow of content

Presentation 20 points

(16-20 points)

Presentation is easy to read with well thought out graphics, fonts, and background color.

15 points

(11-15 points)

Presentation is generally easy to read with appropriate fonts

10 points

(6-10 points)

Fonts are difficult to read, background color does not add to readability.

5 points

(0-5 points)

Background color, font and graphics make the presentation difficult to read

Spelling, Grammar and References 10 points

(9-10 points)

No misspellings, grammatical errors and is appropriately referenced

8 points

(6-8 points)

Has few misspellings or grammatical errors, appropriately referenced

5 points

(3-5 points)

Several misspellings and grammatical errors, some references missing

2 points

(0-2 points)

Many misspellings and grammatical errors, missing most or all references.

Overall Score Level 4
77 or more
Level 3
51 or more
Level 2
25 or more
Level 1
0 or more




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