For this assignment, you are going to brainstorm a possible topic for your final paper. This will not be like a traditional essay, and it will be an opportunity for you to figure out what you want to write about and have backups in case your first choice doesn’t work out as a good paper topic. Please follow the instructions closely.

  1. You will create a list of five possible topics related to the medical field or nursing profession. For each topic, you need to write at least 200 words that cover each of the following items:
    1. the argument for the paper
    2. what kind of sources you will need to find
    3. how will you go about researching the topic
    4. anything that might make the topic difficult to write about
  2. You will create a table in Word or in Google to organize the information.  Please submit the file as a .doc or .docx file.
  3. You will include an APA cover page
  4. Everything you write must be original. If you gather any sources, you must cite them properly and include a reference page.
  5. This assignment is due by 6/4, 11:30 p.m. EST, and is subject to the course late policy.  The box locks for any submissions, even with a deduction, by 6/7, 11:30 p.m. EST.

1 day late will result in a deduction = 3%.

  • 2 days late will result in a deduction = 6%.
  • 3 days late will result in a deduction = 10%
  • More than 3 days late will result in denial of submission and a score of zero “0” for the assignment.

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