Discussion questions

Provide responses to the following questions, based on your readings and class discussions, in 150 words each.




  • Describe the difference between internal and external reports. What functions might an organization’s internal reports serve? What functions might its external reports serve?



  • How might reports empower an organization?


  • What considerations might you make when sharing reported information with the following parties?




    • Supervisors:


    • Peers:


    • The Public:

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Discussion questions


Describe how the concepts of leadership and management differ from each other. In what areas do they overlap? Explain how the goals of management and leadership may sometimes overlap. As a nurse leader, do you believe you can expand your influence to create change by taking advantage of this overlap? Explain your answer.


Review your state’s mandated reporter statute. Provide details about  this in your post. If faced with a mandated reporter issue, what are  the steps in reporting the issue? Create a mandated reporter scenario  and post it. Respond to one of your peer’s scenarios using the  guidelines for submission/reporting in your state. Be sure to include  a reference to your state’s website related to mandated reporting.

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