Digitaisation Of Smes

ASSESSMENT: Digitalisation of SMEs


Module Code: BH00257
Module Title: Digital and Social Media Marketing
Assessment Type Individual Assignment (40%)
Academic Year 2020/21 (Term 3)



Assessment Task

Develop a digital marketing strategy for Golcar Brewery.

Digital technologies have dramatically changed and democratised marketing. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) could excel in the digital marketing environment, because digital technology supports intelligence gathering, cost reduction and audience extension. However, SMEs might struggle due to lack of technical or marketing expertise to adapt to changes.

For this assessment, you are required to conduct a digital marketing audit and outline a digital marketing strategy for a local SME operating within the craft ale sector: Golcar Brewery (http://www.golcarbrewery.co.uk/).

Golcar Brewery is one of many SMEs operating within a vibrant food and drink sector in the Kirklees region. Other local craft ale SMEs include Empire Brewing (http://empirebrewing.com/beers/), Lords Brewing (https://www.lordsbrewing.com/brewery), and Magic Rock (https://www.magicrockbrewing.com/).

At present, Golcar Brewery has a limited digital footprint. This business has invited you, as an external marketing consultant, to conduct a marketing audit of their current web presence, and to outline a digital and social media marketing strategy for the next 3 years.

Task specific guidance:

Based on your analysis of the scenario you will need to do the following:

· Using an environmental framework, identify areas of opportunity and weakness for Golcar Brewery, and use these to propose an appropriate digital marketing strategy.

· At a minimum, this should include details of:

· Customers,

· Key competitors, and

· Macro-economic factors.

· Evaluate how online and digital technologies can be used to build and manage stakeholder relationships for Golcar Brewery and develop a digital strategy plan accordingly.

· The formulation and implementation of this strategy are for you to decide, but should include the following:

· Strategy aim and objectives

· Strategic use of digital marketing tools


· Detail your digital strategy. You will need to consider the following:

· The niche and target market strategy

· The positioning and differentiation strategy

· The use of digital technologies, social media and SEO

· Management and measurement of online marketing communications and customer engagement


Provide a full justification of the decisions you make and the ideas you propose.

This is an individual written assignment. 1,500 words maximum.


General study guidance:


· Cite all information used in your work which is clearly from a source. Try to ensure that all sources in your reference list are seen as citations in your work, and all names cited in the work appear in your reference list.


· Reference and cite your work in accordance with the APA 7th system – the University’s chosen referencing style.  For specific advice, you can talk to your Business librarians or go to the library help desk, or you can access library guidance via the following link:

· APA 7th referencing: https://library.hud.ac.uk/pages/apareferencing/


· The University has regulations relating to academic misconduct, including plagiarism. The Learning Innovation and Development Centre can advise and help you with how to avoid ‘poor scholarship’ and potential academic misconduct. You can contact them at busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk.


· If you have any concerns about your writing, referencing, research or presentation skills, you are welcome to consult the Learning Innovation Development Centre team busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk. It is possible to arrange 1:1 consultation with a LIDC tutor once you have planned or written a section of your work, so that they can advise you on areas to develop.

· Do not exceed the word limit / time / other limit.



Assessment criteria

· The Assessment Criteria are shown the end of this document.  Your tutor will discuss how your work will be assessed/marked and will explain how the assessment criteria apply to this piece of work. These criteria have been designed for your level of study.


· These criteria will be used to mark your work and will be used to support the electronic feedback you receive on your marked assignment. Before submission, check that you have tried to meet the requirements of the higher-grade bands to the best of your ability. Please note that the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.

· The Learning Innovation Development Centre can help you to understand and use the assessment criteria. To book an appointment, either visit them on The Street in the Charles Sikes Building or email them on busstudenthub@hud.ac.uk




Learning Outcomes

This section is for information only.


The assessment task outlined above has been designed to address specific validated learning outcomes for this module. It is useful to keep in mind that these are the things you need to show in this piece of work.


On completion of this module, students will need to demonstrate:


1. Appreciate the relevance and application of key marketing concepts

2. Recognise the impact of digital technologies, social media and SEO on the nature, implementation, outcomes, measurement and management of the marketing function and customer communications

3. Understand the role of information and Online digital technologies in building and managing customer and stakeholder relationships within the digital business environment



Please note these learning outcomes are not additional questions.


Submission information
Word/Time Limit: 1500
Submission Date: 07/06/2021
Feedback Date: 28/06/2021
Submission Time: 15:00
Submission Method: Electronically via module site in Brightspace. Paper/hard copy submissions are not required. For technical support, please contact: busvle@hud.ac.uk







Appendix 1 Assessment criteria


These criteria are intended to help you understand how your work will be assessed. They describe different levels of performance of a given criteria.


Criteria are not weighted equally, and the marking process involves academic judgement and interpretation within the marking criteria.


The grades between Pass and Very Good should be considered as different levels of performance within the normal bounds of the module. The Exceptional and Outstanding categories allow for students who, in addition to fulfilling the Excellent requirements, perform at a superior level beyond the normal boundaries of the module and demonstrate intellectual creativity, originality and innovation.


  90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 50-59 40-49 30-39 20-29 10 – 19 0 – 9
 Level Exceptional



(Excellent +)


Excellent Very good Good Pass Unsatisfactory Unacceptable Unacceptable Unacceptable
Fulfilment of relevant learning outcomes Met Met Met Met Met Met Not met or partially met Not met or partially met Not met or minimal Not met or minimal
Response to the question /task Full command of assessment task; imaginative approach demonstrating flair and creativity Clear command of assessment task; sophisticated approach Very good response to task; elements of sophistication in response Well-developed response to assessment task with evident development of ideas Secure response to assessment task but not developed sufficiently developed to achieved higher grade Adequate response that meets minimum threshold, but with limitations of development Nearly a sufficient response but lacks key aspects. Insufficient response Little response No response
Knowledge and understanding (F, I and H)

Knowledge requirements are different at F, I and H level. Please use the relevant level knowledge assessment criteria

Conceptual and critical understanding of contemporary knowledge in the subject and its limitations (H) Skilfully integrates conceptual knowledge from

other modules or disciplinary areas to provide original/ creative critical insights into the subject and its ambiguities in a considered individual voice

Excellent conceptual knowledge and critical appreciation of the key tensions, controversies disagreements and disputes drawing on ideas from beyond the module bounds. Offers original, compelling, insightful or interesting additional perspectives.


Draws on an extended conceptual knowledge


Shows very strong ability to apply/ critique ideas and a well-developed consideration of the limitations of knowledge.


Performance at this level and above shows intellectual comfort with doubt, ambiguity, controversy, uncertainly and complexity -rather than seeking certainty and a single right answer.

Demonstrates competent conceptual knowledge drawing on a broader knowledge base. A good attempt at integrating and critiquing. Some solid insights into the limitations of knowledge.


No major errors or misunderstanding.

Demonstrates secure conceptual knowledge, conventional critical understanding of relevant knowledge. Some awareness of the limitations of knowledge.


Lacks depth of integrating ideas.



Few inaccuracies.




Demonstrates adequate basic conceptual knowledge, some formulaic critical understanding and awareness of limitations of knowledge.


No integration of ideas.


Some errors and/or gaps in coverage and relevance

Mentions some terminology relating to theories, concepts


Demonstrates insufficient grasp of a basic knowledge. Very limited critical understanding and awareness of the limitations of knowledge.


Many errors in understanding and omissions.

Demonstrates little core knowledge. No critical insight or awareness of the limitations of knowledge.


Major misunderstandings and significant omissions.

Demonstrates virtually no core knowledge or critical insight or awareness of the limitations of knowledge.



Many errors in understanding and extensive omissions.

Wholly irrelevant.


Cognitive / Intellectual skills

A range of means of framing cognitive and intellectual skills are provided to reflect the variety of assessment tasks across the School. Module leaders should consider the following criteria and select the one(s) that best reflect the assessment tasks. Assessment task briefs should be designed with sufficient information to provide students with a clear understanding of the core intellectual skills expected within the bounds of the module– corresponding with the appropriate level of study


Module leaders should be clear about the nature of information / data to be analysed, as well as the ‘tools’ of analysis expected. Analytical tools can be based on logic (comparison, connection, categorisation, evaluation, justification) and/or numerical (e.g. statistics, financial) or other.


Application of knowledge / skills to practice / a solution(s) / proposal / conclusion Creative & original application of knowledge /skills to produce new insights and offers a novel and comprehensive solution / proposal / conclusion which extends beyond the boundary of the brief.


Applies knowledge / skills to develop a comprehensive solution / proposal / conclusion which extends beyond the original boundary of the brief.


Extended insights.

Applies knowledge / skill in a sophisticated manner to develop a well conceptualised and solution / proposal / conclusion.


Alternative approaches might be considered.


Thoughtful and developed insights/ creativity.

Applies knowledge/skill in a logical and developed manner to provide a considered solution / proposal / conclusion.


Some good insights /creativity


No logical errors.

Applies knowledge/skill in a logical manner to provide a more developed solution / proposal / conclusion.


Some but limited insights/creativity.


Few logical errors

Applies knowledge/skills in a basic manner to develop a simple but limited solution/ proposal/conclusion.

No insights / creativity

Logical errors evident.

Use of some knowledge to provide a solution / proposal / conclusion, but limited solution/ proposal / conclusion Some use of knowledge, but mostly insufficient. Weak use of knowledge / skills evident. Very limited solution / proposal / conclusion. No evidence of attempt to analyse or interpret information or provide a solution/proposal/ conclusion.
Use of referenced* evidence and sources to support task


*Normally APA 7th or OSCOLA

Systematic and rigorous use of evidence/ sources beyond the normal bounds of the module to robustly support purpose of the work. Evidence of independent reading and research.


Referencing fully competent and accurate

Comprehensive use of high-quality evidence and sources beyond the normal bounds of the module and shows evidence of independent reading and research.


Referencing fully competent and accurate

Task is very well supported by very extensive use of evidence / sources.


All points fully substantiated.


No unsubstantiated points.


Referencing fully competent and accurate

Task is well supported by more developed use of sources/evidence


Most points are substantiated and no major unsubstantiated points


Referencing largely competent and accurate. Some minor errors in citations or references.

Task is supported by several sources /evidence.


Some points are unsubstantiated.


Referenced appropriately


Referencing largely competent and accurate but may include errors

Task supported by basic evidence and sources but is over-reliant on very few sources.


Significant number of points are unsubstantiated.

Some effort to reference, but frequent errors and omissions

One or two apparent references to concepts introduced in the assessment task


Very few points are substantiated using evidence / sources.


Significant errors and omissions in referencing

Little or no evidence


Significant errors and omissions in citation and application of referencing



Very little attempt to cite or reference

No evidence

No citations

Structure and, style in supporting the development of ideas

(criteria relevant for essay-style work)

Elegant flow and structure is integral to the argument. An exceptional demonstration of academic writing which effectively guides the reader. Elegance of flow that skilfully through the work and excellently supports key message.




Well-ordered logical flow of material in a fluid style which contributes well to the development of the key messages and guides the reader through the writer’s thinking.



Clear logical and structured flow of material that guides the reader and supports the development of key messages. Basic logical flow of material with elements of signposting for the reader which supports key messages to some extent, but which can lapse in places.

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