Critical Reasoning Week 7 Discussion

This is a graded discussion: 25 points possible due Aug 24 at 1:59am

Week 7 Discussion: What Do I Value? 71 75


Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity:

Introduction At the very end of Chapter 13, there is a Group Exercise that asks: What ideals would you go to war to defend? We are not going to ask you to go to war, but we are going to ask you to think about what ideals or values you believe would be worth defending – even to the point of risking your life in their defense.

When Nazi Germany overtook Europe in the early 20 Century, resistance movements sprung up in the occupied countries, and many civilians risked – and lost – their lives against Nazisim. Today, in Saudi Arabia, women who protested restrictions on the rights of women imposed by that country have been jailed, and remain jailed, even after some of the rights they asked for have been granted.

Initial Post Instructions For the initial post, address the following:

This is not a group exercise – post your thoughts, considering the scenarios proposed in the text or any others you find important. Be sure to give your reasons for your answer.

Notice that this exercise requires deductive reasoning. You are stating a position and supporting it with “top down” reasoning. Be sure to review Three Features of Ideological Reasoning. Apply these concepts as you create your own arguments and evaluate those of your peers.

Remember that you are using ideological reasoning here. Is your post structured like an ideological argument, beginning with a general idea (opinion, belief, or principle) and moving down from these abstractions to their specific applications?

The text warns us that ideological arguments often fail the test of Truthfulness of the Premises. Have you tested the truth of your premises?

Textbook: Chapter 13 Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)

What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend? Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances – or is war never an appropriate response?



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You will be writing here about what you value highly. Others may not share your values. Indeed, you may find that someone will write something that is entirely opposed to your values. As critical thinkers and reasoners, we do not take offense because someone disagrees with us. Critical thinkers examine their own argument, and the arguments of others, objectively, rationally, and logically. Critical thinkers and reasoners do not find the opinions of others “right” or “wrong” – they find them well-supported or not well-supported.

Respect the opinion of your classmates. If you feel the need to disagree, do so respectfully and acknowledge the valid points in your classmate’s argument.

Do not write anything that sounds angry or sarcastic even as a joke, because without hearing your tone of voice, your peers might not realize you are joking.

The real objective here is discovering what values and beliefs are important to you and whether or not you have a sound basis for those beliefs.

Follow-Up Post Instructions Respond to at least two peers or one peer and the instructor. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.

Writing Requirements

Grading This activity will be graded using the Discussion Grading Rubric. Please review the following link:

Course Outcomes (CO): 3, 4, 6

Due Date for Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday Due Date for Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

Do you agree with their answers? Would you join them in going to war for the reasons they advance, or do you disagree with their reasons? Explain why.

Minimum of 3 posts (1 initial & 2 follow-up) Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source) APA format for in-text citations and list of references

Link (webpage): Discussion Guidelines

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( Sheffield (Instructor) Jun 22, 2020

Edited by Sonja Sheffield ( on Jun 22 at 12:41pm

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Greetings Students:

You are only required to post an initial answer post and ONE follow-up post in each required discussion, each week.

Please make your TWO posts each week between Monday and Sunday. Your posts must occur on different days with the first post occurring by Wednesday. If there are extenuating circumstances, please communicate with your professor.

A critical judgment is a (usually written) opinion or conclusion. A good example is the written opinion of a property Assessor used in the buying and selling of Real Estate. While such an opinion is subjective, it is usually accompanied by supporting evidence and rationale.

A value judgment is simply a decision about the value of something. It often involves a subjective assessment of the importance, worth, or utility of something. The judgment that “being prepared is of great value” is a good example.

What is a Value Principle?

In simple terms, a value principle is the value position behind a particular fact and has two distinguishing characteristics. It is stated as a generalization. That is, the values principle relates a particular factual claim to a broader class of related ideas. The second characteristic is the inclusion of an evaluative term such as a prescriptive term (i.e., should, ought, or must) or descriptive/evaluative term (i.e., such as beautiful/ugly, important/unimportant, good/bad, relevant/irrelevant and so on). This characteristic parallels the use of an evaluative term in the overall claim or question.

Consider the following example:

Overall Value Claim: Persons should use scarce resources wisely. Supporting Factual Claim: Food conservation allows more people to be well nourished. Value Principle: Practices that promote health and well-being should be encouraged.

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Melissa Shetto ( Wednesday


Hello everyone,


What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend?

The main core values that I would definitely risk my life or freedom to defend would be freedom (liberty) and equal treatment to all regardless of one’s gender, social or ethnic background. According to Hanway (2020, p. 32), many would put freedom as a major core value and it not so much about doing entirely as we please, where others are adversely affected, but it is about being able to develop our interests and talents, so that all may benefit.

According to how I see it freedom encompasses liberty which translates to being able to freely express myself, to choose the quality of life that suits me, being free to practice the religious faith of my own choosing, being able to decide my orientation, I am able to make my own choices regarding anything that affects my life and openly express my political views so long as it respects the freedom and safety of others. Therefore, I would risk my life and freedom to defend my own right to liberty and that of my fellow countrymen, I would do so because when liberty is only a reality for a few people then in truth it does not exist. When a certain group of people or community is denied the right to practice their faith, live as they wish or even to express themselves because of their social or ethnic background, that kind of oppression affects all of us.

Let’s think about freedom, perhaps the most central and prized of our American values. We know that there is a difference between “freedom from” and “freedom for,” the former being the removal of restraints or responsibilities as citizens, while the latter “freedom for” implies that we have a purpose and a value beyond lack of constraints upon our behavior. In that light, let us probe a little more into our American value of freedom. Let us ask questions such as the following: “Whose freedom? Who benefits? And who pays the cost?” (Hanway, 2020).

Second, I would risk my freedom to defend equality and my right and that of others to have access to equal opportunities ranging from education, healthcare services, employment to mention a few, regardless of my gender, social or ethnic/ racial background. Discrimination can hinder the progress of an entire nation because a part of its community is not included in opportunities that cause that group to fall behind in terms of development therefore, I would stand up and defend the right to equal treatment and inclusivity of every individual.


Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances – or is war never an

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appropriate response?

According to how I see it war is never an appropriate course of action no matter the cause or circumstances. I say this because no matter how justified the cause for a country to go to war maybe, the cost of war in most cases out-weighs it. The consequences of war on the general population of the nations involved has long-term negative effects including but not limited to economic or social stagnation or decline, decrease in population caused by death, disabilities and psychological and emotional trauma.

According to Kausar and Guangxin (2019) war not only causes the issue of people being displaced but also the mental health problem is a major issue facing the children, men and women during warfare. Moreover, it leads to extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality of many innocents.

Furthermore, as mentioned in an article from a medical journal; the effects of war include long- term physical and psychological harm to children and adults, as well as reduction in material and human capital (Murthy & Lakshminarayana, 2006).

Therefore, I believe that war should be avoided at all cost unless it is absolutely the last course and only solution to a problem such as defending a country against invasion or enemy attacks.




Hanway, D., G. (2020). Finding Common Ground: Means, Ends, and Core Values in America Today. Torch Magazine. 9, 33, pp. 29-33. (

Kausar, S. and Guangxin, W. (2019). “Overview on Psychological and Social Consequences of War”. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH). 4(8), pp. 11 – 19. (

Murthy, R. S., & Lakshminarayana, R. (2006). Mental health consequences of war: a brief review of research findings. World psychiatry: official journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 5(1), 25–30. (


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Monica Hernandez ( Tuesday


Hello Professor,

Core values to risk one’s life and freedom would depend on the individual person(Facione, pg 59). It is important to receive an education to ensure people are successful throughout their life. Education helps people learn, grow, and have a better life. People need to be educated in different areas to have a better understanding of life, people, and society as a whole. Often, poor/lower class people aren’t given the same opportunities and have a harder time furthering their education because they may be unable to pay for continual education. School ( /education should be free across the globe so people can have the same opportunities. There is a possibility the nation will go to war to fight for a better or free education. Education empowers a person and helps them become successful people. In my experience, people often want to further their education; however one might not be able to do so for various reasons such as not enough money, afraid of traveling, family problems, and many other reasons depending. on the individual. Life and freedom are important. People need fo “go to college ( /get an education” otherwise he/she might not able to get a decent job in this modern society. Opportunities arise when people take/make the right choice in their life. Core values to risk one’s life and freedom often vary from person to person. As mentioned, people all have their wants and desires. Values are essentially the most important things in our lives.


This answer could vary depending on the person/topic. For the topic of “education” people could potentially go to war to fight for better education, or to fight for free education. Education is essential to help one live and succeed in their life. Other examples include different cultures, racial problems, different laws, and many others. People will often fight for the things they stand for. Opinions and beliefs will also change from person to person. One person may be for something, however, another person could be “against” it. Different things in life are of more value than others such as freedom, family, health ( , happiness, education, wealth, and many others. As mentioned earlier, there are many views and opinions because people are all unique individuals. We may not agree with one another, however, we all have our own oughts, ideas, and beliefs in which we want to express.



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Facione, P. A., & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically (3rd ed.). Boston: Pearson.

American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). (


( Sheffield (Instructor) Tuesday

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Monica, I appreciate your response for this week; however, the response needs to be about “what you think” as it relates to the following:

What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend? Could a nation going to war be appropriate in certain circumstances – or is war never an appropriate response?


Chloe Williams ( Tuesday


Chloe Williams

Week 7 Discussion


What core values would you risk your life and freedom to defend?

One core value that I would risk my life and freedom for is for the freedom for the African American community. Basically behind the same issues that we are currently facing today. Any African American wrongfully convicted or an African American that face more critical consequences behind the same thing another race did who did not receive the same consequences, if any…I will defend until the death

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