Concept Map

B.A 60yrs old,female full code, admitted may 6 for lower abdominal pain(9month), secondary diagnose, hyperkalemia, history diabetes,hypertension, hyperlipidemia,migraines,bipolar,anxiety. first vital signs was 132/72, HR 76, TEMP. 98.2, SPO2 98, RESP R.17, BLOOD glucose 282 was high after an 1hour vital and also after the medication 118/70 spo 95, Hr 78, Temp 97.6, rr, 17 blood glucose 242. pottassium level was high 7.1, doctors order Glucose AC& HS, Diabetic diet, Diabetic teaching, SCD.


topamax,insulin lispro, gabapentin,seroquel,amlodipine,sodium bicarbonate,inslin aspart 70/30& protamine.metoprolol, oxycodene actemapohine.

please include references,i put in an example there to follow please, and it uses turnitin.

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