Comparative Health Systems

Comparative Health Systems paper


In this assignment, you will demonstrate MPH Competency 4.1: Compare the organization, structure and function of health care, public health and regulatory systems across national and international settings


You will be comparing the United States to another country of your choosing in terms of the adequacy of the health care, public health and regulatory system response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Do not pick a country for which there is no national data.


Assignment description:


Compare and contrast how the

1) health care,

2) public health and

3) regulatory systems

of the United States and another country responded to the pandemic. Address each system separately.

Please start each section with a concise discussion of the health care, public health and regulatory systems as they are supposed to work in ‘normal’ times.

Next describe at least 2 changes the country made for each of the 3 systems in response to the pandemic

Then proceed to compare and contrast how each of these systems responded to the pandemic in the two countries using the data you found. Which country did a better job and why?

Back up this section with country wide data rather than any particular state/city/province or other jurisdiction. Please provide references that back up your findings.



Do not include a cover page

3 pages single-spaced for text of paper

1 additional page for references/bibliography

Don’t go over the 3 page limit, as any text > 3 pages will not be read

Your name should be on the top right of every page

Paginate at the bottom right of the page

All references must be appropriately cited (AMA or APA styles are recommended)

Font size = 12

Label each section as health care, public health, or regulatory

There is a 3-point automatic penalty for mistakes in format/page limit/references/other instructions.

This is not a group project; the paper should reflect your own work

Validate references, they will be checked. All references must be in English.

All assignments must be professionally written and formatted and use language appropriate for the intended audience. Assume the audience is public health professionals. Remember to use the assignment guidelines posted in the syllabus.

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