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Nurse Retention

There are different nurse recruitment and retention strategies useful for employers to make the processes successful. The first one to consider is the need to foster a learning culture. Lifelong learning plays an essential role in achieving the required development in nursing (Efendi et al, 2019). The recruitment process and learning culture make the staff enjoy working at the institutions, thus leading to a high retention rate and increased quality of care.

On the same note, employers need to support career development as it is an important recruitment and retention strategy in nursing (Chhatre et al, 2018). The staff should be prepared for future roles and responsibilities. Leadership positions require one to have useful skills to unite employees and make the working environment conducive. The strategy is used by employers to ensure that nurses fill leadership positions in the field, thus high retention rate.

Similarly, hiring standards and behavioral competencies are considered by employers as a strategy for recruitment and retention goals (Efendi et al, 2019). The move targets to make nursing staff comfortable at their positions, thus increasing the quality of care. Behavioral competence is based on clinical skills together with technical ones. Teamwork and a positive attitude are examples of non-clinical skills that make working environments comfortable leading to a high retention rate. If a team can work as a unit, even the worst shifts can still have a positive environment. If the team does not function as such, everyday will be harder on the nurses as they feel overworked. This is what leads to burn out.

The strategies would be effective as employers aim to achieve organizational goals by making the working conditions favorable for the nurses. Employers focus on fostering a learning culture. It leads to individual development and improved quality of care (Chhatre et al, 2018). The same idea applies to the career development strategy used by employers to increase the retention rate. The establishment of a hiring standard and behavioral competency is useful at work. They ensure that nurses are comfortable at their respective positions and motivated accordingly to increase the retention rate.





Nurse Recruitment and Retention Strategies

When the employees do a good job at work, they enhance patient outcomes and decreasing staff turnover. We will discuss in this essay the strategies recommended for an employer to improve staff nurse recruitment and retention and reasons why the strategies are effective.

According to Spence Laschinger et al., (2009) we can find five nursing recruitment and retention strategies:

• Providing a flexible work schedule.

• Promoting a learning environment.

• Establishing a nursing residency program.

• Making the development of a career the priority.

• Being strategic in recruitment.

The strategies recommended for an employer to improve the staff nurse recruitment and retention included:

1. Improving the engagement.

Sometimes the work schedule for the employers may be very tight and the workplace may be not flexible. The employee may not be able to avoid some of the factors therefore leaders have the power to improve engagement by congratulating the teamwork, recognizing, and acting on the good work in delivering patient care, communicating effectively, and managing change in a timely manner.

2. Activating teamwork and communication.

Teamwork is essential among the employees since they work together to deliver excellent services to the patients. Effective communication is crucial since it helps reduce errors and solve problems. It also gives clear information and enhances the understanding among the team.

3. Offering competitive compensation.

Employers should provide job satisfaction for the employees and compensate them for their good work. The demand for quality employees continues to increase as healthcare develops therefore, employers should provide wages and bonuses that are competitive to improve staff recruitment and retention.

4. Educating the employees.

Educating employees will improve their skills and improve their productivity. There are ways of educating employees by proving training opportunities and demonstrating the growth path.

5. Recognizing the employees.

Mark and Harless (2011) argued that leaders need to appreciate the work done by the employees by recognizing them for their good work.

These strategies are effective because they enable the workers to work as a team, providing the best care to the patients. It also provides a good working environment since the nurses work together with other staff members with a common goal to increase patient outcomes (Laschinger et al., 2009).

The strategies are effective because of the extensive training and recruiting a new employee completes. In research from Mark and Harless (2011) due to the negative attitude of the employee turnover towards the customer and reduced production, the turnover expense of the employee is found in decreased profitability.

In conclusion, nurse retention is important since it provides a better work environment for the nurses as they will work together with other members to increase the productivity of the department to deliver high-quality care and increase patient outcomes.

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