
PART 2 – Geocode a Table of Addresses

NOTE: Download the LAB8_ResponsesDocsTemplate.docx from iCollege. Create separate responses documents for PARTS 2, 3, and 4.

1.     Configure ArcGIS Pro’s Package Extraction Locations

a.     Open ArcGIS Pro to the Start Screen.

b.     Click âš™Settings in the left-hand frame.

c.      Click Options in the left-hand frame.

d.     In the Options dialog, click Share and Download.

e.     Under Unpacking, select Unpack to this Location, then browse to 📁and select your course Labs Folder.

f.      Click OK in the Options dialog, then Close (X) ArcGIS Pro.

NOTE: This setting is saved to the current computer. You do not need to configure this on all machines once you Unpack (Open) the lab package.


2.     Retrieve the “Lab8Package.ppkx” file from iCollege.

a.     In the Course’s Content Browser, go to the Welcome Module, then expand the Lab Data submodule.

b.     Click the Lab8Package.ppkx link, then click Download to save the file.

c.      From your downloads, open the Project Package to open the project in ArcGIS Pro.

NOTE: In your LABS folder, you should see a new folder named: Lab8Package_#x#x#x with a random set of letters and numbers. In this folder, the p30 folder contains the project files. Do not rename or change this folder structure!


3.     Review the Address Locator and Reference Data:

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Reference data concepts

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Locator roles and fields

a.     In the Catalog Pane, expand Locators.

b.     Open the Properties of the AtlantaAddPts Address Locator.

c.      What Feature Class served as the Reference Data used to build this Address Locator? Which Fields were mapped from the Reference Data to create this locator?

HINT: Maximize the Locator Properties window to see the full path to the data.

NOTE: The full path is from my computer. However, the data is available in this project.

d.     What Roles does this locator support? Based on these roles, what is Geometry of the Reference Data’s features? What real-world places do these features represent?

e.     Which fields in an Input table of addresses would be automatically Recognized:

                                               i.     As an Address Input field?

                                              ii.     As a Postal input field?

NOTE: If needed, add the reference data to the map (from Lab8Package.gdb), but please be sure to Remove the layer or disable the Visibility when you are finished to ensure ArcGIS Pro’s performance and stability.

DATA SOURCES: Official Address Points – City of Atlanta Dept. of City Planning and ZIP Codes – Atlanta Regional Commission (using the Spatial Join geoprocessing tool)


4.     Review the Fields in the Input table with Address Information

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Locator role fields

a.     In the Catalog pane, expand Databases. From the Lab8Package geodatabase, add the ATL311Calls table to the Map.

b.     Right-click the table (under Standalone tables) and Open the table view.

c.      Which attribute fields in the table contain the values you will need Geocode these addresses? (HINT: Two (2) Fields are needed)

NOTE: This table was modified from the original format provided by ATL311, but the values represent actual, real 311 Calls (from 335,738 records with addresses from 2018)

5.     Geocode a table with Address Information

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Guide: Convert a table to Locations on the Map

a.     Right-click the ATL311Calls table in the Contents pane and select Geocode Table.

b.     Work through the Guided Workflow to prepare the Geocode Table Geoprocessing tool to run using the AtlantaAddPts locator and your responses from Step 4.

c.      When the Guided Workflow is complete, Capture a Screenshot (or two) to show all the parameters and input values for the Geocode Table tool. Paste the Screenshot(s) into the Responses document.

d.     Click Run â–¶ to Execute the tool.

e.     When the Geocode Table tool completes, a dialog will display showing the results of Geocoding the table. Capture a screenshot of the Geocoding Completed window and paste it into your Responses document.

f.      Click Yes in the Geocoding Completed dialog to Start the Rematch Process

NOTE: If you did not get Any Matches, or fewer than 100 matches, then repeat Step 5 and review your Input Parameters!


6.     Review Geocoding Results

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Rematch locations converted from a table

a.     In the Rematch Addresses dialog, click the Select Fields button.

b.     Uncheck the visibility of All Fields except:  Match_addr,  FulAdd,  Postal.

c.      Scroll â–º through the Unmatched address records to review the Input Addresses (Address or Place, ZIP) that did not produce a match using the Atlanta Address Locator.

d.     Select five (5) unmatched addresses and, in the responses document, provide the Input Address and a brief explanation of why the address did not produce a Match using this locator. Among the five explanations, include at least three (3) different reasons why addresses did not match.

NOTE: List items as “Address 1: “, “Address 2: “ etc. so you can reference them in the future steps.

HINT: Leverage what you learned about the Role of this locator (step 4d), as well as the Address Components provided in the Input Address. You are welcome to use other resources (the Esri World Geocoding Service or Google Maps) to assist with your explanation, but all explanations should relate to the Input or Reference Data, or the Locator’s rules.

e.     When you have finished reviewing the Unmatched Addresses, close the Rematch Addresses dialog.

7.     Determine the Next Steps to Ensure a Higher Match Rate

a.     Based on your responses in Step 6, how could you potentially improve the Geocoding Match Rate for this table of Addresses? What additional Geocoding or GIS techniques would ensure matches for each of the examples you provided?



PART 3 – Acquire Reference Data and Create an Address Locator

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Build your own locator

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Fundamentals of creating a locator

1.     Download Street data with Addresses from the Census

a.     Go to the TIGER/Line Shapefiles site:

b.     For the Year, select 2021

c.      In the Select a layer type dropdown, scroll to bottom of the list. Under Feature Relationships, select Relationship Files. Click Submit.

d.     Under the heading Address Range – Feature Shapefile, select State: Georgia, then County: Fulton County. Click Download.

e.     When download completes, change the Address Range – Feature Shapefile parameters to State: Georgia, County: DeKalb County, and then click Download.

f.      Extract both zipped shapefiles into the p30 folder in the Lab8Package_#x#x#x folder (See NOTE Part 2, Step 2c).

g.     In ArcGIS Pro, Refresh the Lab8Package folder in the Catalog pane under Folders.

h.     Verify the two Address Range shapefiles, tl_2021_13121_addrfeat.shp (Fulton) and tl_2021_13089_addrfeat.shp (DeKalb), are listed in the p30 subfolder.


2.     Merge the county-wide data into one Feature Class

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Merge (Data Management)

a.     Open the Geoprocessing tool, Merge (Data Management Tools).

HINT: Analysis > Tools > Search

b.     Input Datasets: Browse and select both Address Range Feature Shapefiles. (HINT: hold the CTRL key and click each shapefile to select them both.)

c.      Output Dataset: “FultonDeKalbAddRange” in the Project’s geodatabase.

d.     Field Map: ensure each Output Field shows “(2)” after the field names. If you do not see the “(2)” click the Reset button at the top of the Field Map parameter or check your Input Datasets! The Fields should Match!


e.     Click Run â–¶ to Execute the Merge geoprocessing tool.


3.     Examine the Geometry and Attributes of the Reference Data

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Reference Data Concepts: Address Elements

a.     What is the geometry and feature representation of the FultonDeKalbAddRange layer?

b.     Open the Attribute Table for the layer.

c.      Which attributes in the table can be used as Reference Data Address Elements (link to help topic Address Elements) in a Locator? List the Field Name, Field Type, and the corresponding Address Element.

HINT: Seven (7) attributes should be included.

EXAMPLE: LFROMHN, Text, Left House Number Range (FROM)

d.     From the list of Primary Locator Roles, which Locator Role would suit this data?

HINT: Use your responses above to determine the correct Role.

e.     Are each of the input Address Element attributes correctly formatted for use in an address locator? Which attribute is not correctly formatted?


4.     Use the Split Address Into Components tool to format the address element fields.

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Split Address Into Components GP Tool

a.     Open the Geoprocessing tool, Split Address into Components (Geocoding Tools).

b.     Input Address Data: FultonDeKalbAddRange layer (use the dropdown!)

c.      Input Address Fields: (use the Add Many option to select FULLNAME).

d.     Output Address Data: “FultonDeKalbAddRangeSplit”

e.     Click Run â–¶ to execute the geoprocessing tool.

f.      Examine the Attribute Table for the output feature class layer, FultonDekalbAddSplit.

g.     What new attribute fields have been added in this feature class? For each new attribute field that begins with “St”:

                                               i.     What is the name of the attribute?

                                              ii.     What is the Field Type?

                                             iii.     What Address Elements (see Step 3 above) does the attribute represent?

NOTE: You do not need to include the AddNum or Subaddress fields (UnitType+)


5.     Create a Locator for Fulton and DeKalb County

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Guide: Create a locator

a.     Open the Create Locator (Geocoding tools) geoprocessing tool.

b.     For the Primary Table parameter, use the dropdown to select the FultonDeKalbAddRangeSplit layer.

c.      Set the Role parameter for this table based on your response to Step 3d.

d.     In the Field Mapping parameter, use your responses from Step 3c and 4g to match the correct attribute from the Table to the Address.

e.     For the Output Locator parameter, specify: “FultonDeKalbStreetAdd”

NOTE: Address Locators are stored as *.loc files in a folder, not the geodatabase

f.      Set the Language Code parameter to English using the dropdown.

g.     Before clicking Run, Capture a screenshot of the tool showing all parameters and paste the screenshot into your Responses document.

NOTE: You may need more than one screenshot to show all the inputs.

h.     Click Run to Execute the tool.

NOTE: If you receive errors or warnings, review the error message and attempt to resolve the problem. You cannot overwrite a locator; you must find the locator (in the Folder) and Delete it to recreate it using the same name.


6.     Geocode Addresses using the new locator.

a.     From the Analysis ribbon, click the History button.

b.     Double-click the Geocode Addresses history item.

NOTE: The Geoprocessing History allows you to review previous geoprocessing executions and re-run tools using the same or similar parameters.

c.      Change the Input Address Locator to use the FultonDeKalbStreetAdd locator.

d.     Specify the Address or Place field and the ZIP field from the Input data.

NOTE: Since the locators have different Default Input Address Fields, the list will change and associations may be lost. 

e.     Change the Output Feature Class to “ATL311Calls_Streets”

f.      Click Run to Execute the Geocode Addresses tool.


7.     Review the Geocoding Results

a.     The Geocoding result feature class, ATL311Calls_Streets will be added to the Contents pane after the process completes.

b.     Open the attribute table for the layer. Click the Select by Attribute button to open the tool.

c.      For the Expression parameter: “Where Status is equal to U” (the record was Unmatched). Click OK.

d.     How many records were Unmatched using the Streets Locator? HINT: X of 200 Selected.

e.     Review the Selected Records of Unmatched Input Address. HINT: click the Show Selected Records button in the lower left corner, then scroll to the right side of the table.

f.      For each of the Unmatched Address that you noted in Part 2, Step 6d, did this Address Locator match the addresses? Why or why not?

g.     Keep the selection on the table and close the Table view.


8.     Modify the Locator Properties

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Tips for improving geocoding quality

a.     In the Catalog pane, expand Locators (if needed). Right-click the FultonDeKalbStreetAdd locator and select Properties.

b.     Select the Geocoding options, then expand Match Options.

                                               i.     Under Intersection connectors, enter a “&” character.

                                              ii.     Change Match with no zones to “Yes”.

c.      Select the Output fields.

                                               i.     Click the Select/Deselect All Checkbox TWICE, so all are Deselected .

                                              ii.     In the list of fields, select “  LongLabel” & “ AddrType”

(matched address + the type of address match – Intersection, address, etc.).

NOTE: These are the same output fields configured in the AtlantaAddPts locator. Depending on the Locator Role, limiting the Output Fields can make reviewing Geocoded features a lot easier… or harder. Choose wisely.

d.     Click OK to apply the changes and close the Locator Properties dialog.

e.     Right-click the ATL311Calls_Streets layer in the Contents page and select Data > Rematch Addresses.

f.      Click the Auto Rematch button to rematch the addresses using the modified Locator Properties.

g.     When the rematch completes, a dialog will display showing the results of the Auto Rematch. Capture a screenshot of the dialog window and paste it into your Responses document.

h.     Review the unmatched records in the Rematch Addresses dialog.

i.       Of the five (5) addresses you noted in Part 3, Step 6f, are any still Unmatched when using the Streets Locator? Which ones? Why?

j.       Click on the Tied group in the Rematch Addresses Dialog.

k.     Describe why two (2) of the Input Address Records have Tied Match Scores based on the values in the Input Address and Matched Addresses and your knowledge of Address Elements and their Contribution to the Match Score. Which Candidate would you select, if any?

9.     Assess each Address Locator

a.     Provide three reasons why the Match Rate (Percent of Addresses Matched) is higher for the Street Address locator than the Point Address locator. Use the resources listed in the lab and lecture to assess the differences or similarities. 

b.     Which locator is more reliable? Why?

c.      Which locator is more accurate? Why?

PART 4 – Create a Composite Locator

1.     Build a Composite Locator with Point Address and Street Address Range Locators

Reference: ArcGIS Pro Help: Combine multiple locators into a composite locator

a.     Open the Create Composite Address Locator geoprocessing tool.

b.     Under the Address Locators parameters, select (using the dropdown) the AtlantaAddPts locator, then the FultonDeKalbStreetAdd locator.

c.      For the Output Composite Address Locator, enter the name “AtlantaComposite.loc”.

d.     Click Run to Execute the geoprocessing tool.


2.     Geocode Addresses & Review Results

a.     Geocode the ATL311Calls table using the Composite Address locator, AtlantaComposite. Name the Output Feature Class “ATL311Calls_Comp”.

b.     In the Environments, configure the Output Coordinate System to use “NAD 1983 StatePlane Georgia West FIPS 1002 (US Feet)” (See Lab 6 for instructions).

c.      When the process completes, report the number of Matched, Unmatched and Tied records in your Responses Document

d.     Review the Unmatched Records. What additional options are available for geocoding the unmatched records using ArcGIS Pro? What other options are available for matching these addresses?

e.     Review the Tied Records. Select the best candidate OR use the Pick From Map tool to select a location on the map, then justify your choice in the Responses document.


3.     Map the Geocoding Results

a.     Remove all layers from the map except the ATL311Calls_Comp results.

b.     Rename the layer to “ATL 311 Calls”.

                                               i.     Symbolize the layer based on the Department (Dept, type Text) attribute.

HINT: Be sure to disable “Show all other values”!

HINT: Don’t forget to review the Deliverables for the Map Product!

c.      Add the ArcGIS Online feature layer “Neighborhood Planning Units 2015” from “owner:opendata@arc”.

                                               i.     Rename the new layer to “Atlanta NPU”.

                                              ii.     Symbolize the Atlanta NPU layer with a Single Symbol: a simple outline (select a suitable saturation, Width: 0.7 pt) and a “No Color” fill.

HINT: Be sure to review the Deliverables for the Map Product!

                                             iii.     Label each NPU using the “NPU” attribute values.

                                             iv.     To prevent the NPU Labels from overlapping the Geocoded locations, right-click the ATL 311 Calls layer and select Labeling Properties. In the Label Class – ATL 311 Calls pane, click the Position tab, then click the Conflict Resolution tab. Change the Feature Weight to “10”.  (Screenshot Right)

d.     Configure the Map Properties to use the NAD 1983 Georgia State Plane West (Feet) coordinate system (see Coordinate System Resources from last week). 

e.     Select an appropriate Basemap that ensures the ATL 311 Calls locations and NPU Labels are clearly legible. If needed, turn off visibility of the Reference Layers for the Basemap.


4.     Create a Layout for inclusion in a policy report to the Audience.

a.     Letter-size, any orientation.

b.     All Required Map Elements.

c.      HINT: Be sure to review the Deliverables for the Map Product!

d.     OPTIONAL: Chart Frame showing Number of ATL 311 Calls by Department.

e.     Export the layout as a Flattened PDF.

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